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Articles: 3

Tribute to Chair No. 14. Ton’s stand at Salone del Mobile honoured the legendary ʻFourteenʼ and presented a new visual style

Chair No.14, which has now been featured in Ton’s logo for twenty years, was the unifying element behind Ton’s presentation at the Salone del Mobile event. The stand in prestigious Hall 09 D0204 featured Chair No. 14, dressed for the future by Swedish designers Claesson Koivisto Rune, as well as its artistic variant in the ʻOde to the Fourteenʼ, an artefact by Czech designer Jiří Krejčiřík.

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Ton launches a new visual identity: the logo will lose the chair but gain a circle

After twenty years, we have decided to change our visual identity. There will be several new elements: firstly, the company name will no longer be written all in capitals. The logo has also shed the famous Number 14 chair, the symbol of bentwood furniture which, however, invokes only part of our product portfolio. The logo’s new focal point is the detail on the circular central letter “o”.

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